
Human pneuma

The ancient Greeks could use the one word pneuma when referring to wind or spirit. What? The human spirit blows?

The human wind does indeed blow across the face of the earth. I look forward to a day we will commit acts so that this meaning conjures a beautiful image.


  1. I didn't remember this, but I'm interested in the similarity to the yogic belief in prana. And the Tibetan Buddhist epistemologists would add "mind" to the list of meanings of both terms. P.S. Whose painting?

  2. I get a little lost in the various categories that people employ to describe phenomena of mind and consciousness. I don't know if wind and the breath of prana might have a linkage in greek thought. I just don't know that much about prana yoga or to Tibetan Buddhism to build a bridge there.

    I wonder if this sort of polysemic term would have been different in regions unlike the arid lands of greece and the middle east where cooling winds and thirst quenching waters were especially prized.

    about the painting, I unfortunately have lost the link.
